If you have any problem write us an email (mflorek@gmail.com) as it is impossible for us to respond to user comments.
KitKat users: The notification must be in the notifications center (not in the status bar), otherwise the widget will freeze because of a KitKat system bug.
This does not open, it is a Home screen 1x1 widget only. Place on homescreen with Menu > Add > Widgets > Tiny Battery Widget. If it does not show in widgets' list, move it to the internal memory (widgets do not work when on SD card).
Multiple icon sizes (widget is always 1x1, but icon can be large, normal or tiny) and customizable colors for different values of the battery level!
It shows exact battery level also for some Motorola devices (1% steps confirmed on droid x, defy+, razr and others. It is a precise value not an estimate. If you have problems, email us please). Battery level text on the widget can be hidden (check settins).
To quickly toggle some system settings, just tap the battery.
- turn WiFi on/off
- turn Bluetooth on/off
- turn GPS on/off
- turn mobile data on/off (CDMA phones android 2.3.3 and newer only)
- turn auto-sync on/off
- turn WiFi tethering on/off (experimental. this will not enable WiFi tethering/hotspot if your phone does not support it)
- turn airplane mode on/off (optional, enable in settings. Android 4.2 just opens system settings, because Google removed this functionality from non-system apps)
- toggle ringer modes (sound only, sound+vib, vib, silent. choose in settings)
- NFC toggle opens system settings only (nfc toggle is not permitted for non-system apps)
Mobile data switch toggles real system settings for 2.3.3 and newer devices, older devices use "APN names mangling method". MMS will always work. "APN names method" is compatible with APNdroid.
To quickly access WiFi/BT/GPS/APN settings, tap the settings button next to the toggle button.
There is also a quick screen brightness option. Just move the sun on the seekbar.
Battery colors can be customized. There are three levels: Full (>70%), Medium (> 25%) and Warning (<25%), which are customizable through settings. Default colors are green, yellow and red, respectively. Hit the menu button when the Settings Toggler dialog is visible. Also the battery opacity can be changed.
Custom vertical alignment option to perfectly align with other widgets.
Settings toggler dialog can be automatically closed after some events e.g. WiFi connected/disabled, BT enabled/disabled (check the settings).
Internet access: for Ads only
GPS: for quick GPS enable/disable and open GPS system settings. Apps can not enable the GPS whenever they want since android 2.3.3.
Before giving us a bad rating, write us an email and we will help you (widget stopped updating, battery level off, wrong/random colors, anything?).Please write an email (mflorek@gmail.com) as it is impossible for us to respond to user comments. Thank you.
Uninstall with mobile data enabled or you will have to manually edit APN names to enable it (or just install back the Tiny Battery Widget or APNdroid to re-enable mobile data).
thanks to:
WHITE-CZ for Czech translation
Наиль Шайхутдинов Russian translation
This widget was made for us, to be the best battery widget, and released to the public. Enjoy!如果您有任何问题给我们发送电子邮件(mflorek@gmail.com),因为它是我们不可能给用户的意见回应。
它显示了精确的电池电量也为一些摩托罗拉设备(证实,对Droid X的1%的步长,以身试法+,RAZR等。这是一个精确值不是一个估计值。如果你有问题,给我们发电子邮件请)。在部件上的电池电量文本可以被隐藏(检查设定中)。
- 打开无线开/关
- 开启蓝牙开/关
- 开启/关闭GPS的转
- 开启/关闭移动数据(CDMA手机的Android 2.3.3及更高版本只)
- 开启/关闭自动同步
- 开/关打开WiFi网络共享(experimental.这不会启动WiFi网络共享/热点如果你的手机不支持)
- 开/关转飞机模式(可选,能在设定的Android 4.2刚刚打开系统设置,因为谷歌删除了此功能,从非系统的应用程序。)
- 切换铃声模式(仅限声音,声音+ VIB族,VIB,沉默在设置中进行选择。)
- NFC切换打开系统设置只(NFC切换不允许非系统应用程序)
移动数据开关切换为2.3.3和更新的设备真正的系统设置,旧的设备使用“APN名称压延法”。彩信会一直工作。 “APN名法”是具有APNdroid兼容。
要快速访问的WiFi /蓝牙/ GPS / APN设置中,点击旁边的切换按钮的设置按钮。
电池颜色可定做。有三个层次:完全(> 70%),中等(> 25%)和警告(<25%),这是通过自定义设置。默认的颜色是绿色,黄色和红色,分别。打到菜单按钮时设置TOGGLER对话框是可见的。另外,根据电池的不透明度可以改变的。
全球定位系统:快速的GPS启用/禁用和开启GPS系统的设置。应用程序不能启用GPS由于Android 2.3.3每当他们想要的。